In our drive for excellence, the primary objective of the organization is to produce superior products defined by exceptional quality, always safe for the end-user and of a high efficacy, while complying with all registration requirements, legislation and standards that may be applicable. Concomitantly, an effective Quality Management System has been implemented with an objective of continually improving on and meeting internal as well as Registration and Customer requirements. – Health and Hygiene (Pty) Ltd Quality Statement
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA)
Whether a veterinary chemical product supplied in Australia is manufactured locally or overseas, the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals code (Agvet Code) requires every step of manufacture to meet a certain standard. It also requires manufacturers to use an effective quality control system to confirm their intermediate or finished products continue to meet that standard, before being released from manufacture or released for final supply.
The Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for Veterinary Chemical Products ensures that products are consistently manufactured to the quality standards appropriate for their intended veterinary use and in accordance with their registration particulars and specifications. GMP is a system that consists of processes, procedures and documentation that ensures manufactured products are consistently produced and controlled according to a set of quality standards.
Health and Hygiene (Pty) Ltd, manufacturer of the F10® product range has consistently passed all audits for the past 18 years carried out by external auditors from the APVMA. The outcomes of the audits have also placed Health and Hygiene (Pty) Ltd in the top Audit Level 1 category, currently the highest compliance level rating assigned by the APVMA.
APVMA Overseas Site Compliance confirmation
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001 is one of the most widely adopted International Standards in the world and sets out the criteria and requirements for a Quality Management System. Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. It is the most popular standard in the ISO 9000 series and the only standard in the series to which organizations can certify.
Health and Hygiene (Pty) Ltd is certified by BSI, an internationally accredited Certification Body. BSI has a presence on every continent with offices in thirty-one countries. BSI is not only accredited by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) but also by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), amongst others.
Health and Hygiene (Pty) Ltd ISO9001 certificate
SABS Mark Certification
The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) Product Certification Scheme aims at providing third party guarantee of quality, safety and reliability of products to the consumer. The presence of the SABS Certification Mark known as the SABS Mark on a product is an assurance of conformity to the specifications. The conformity is ensured by regular surveillance of the manufacturer’s performance by regular or surprise inspections and the testing of samples drawn from the factory by SABS auditors. The testing of such samples is conducted against international EN Test Methods and Standards.
SABS, as a founder member of the International Organization for Standards (ISO), has built a reputation globally as a long-standing and widely respected role player in international standardisation, and the leading standardization body in Africa.
Health and Hygiene (Pty) Ltd currently holds the following SABS Certification Marks for various products:
SANS 636:2013 Disinfectants based on Quaternary Ammonium compounds
SANS 1828:2017 Cleaning Chemicals for the use in the food industry
SANS 1853:2020 Disinfectants, detergents-disinfectants and antiseptics for use in the food industry
National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS)
The NRCS is an entity of the Department of Trade, Industry, and Competition (the dtic); established to administer compulsory specifications and other technical regulations with the view to protect human health, safety, the environment and ensure fair trade in accordance with government policies and guidelines. The compulsory specifications are administered by means of the pre-approval of products prior to placing it into the market and surveillance inspections to monitor compliance in the market.
Health and Hygiene (Pty) Ltd has several products that is registered with the NRCS for Disinfectants and detergent-disinfectants for use in the industrial, domestic, institutional and food areas.
Act 36 of 1947
The Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act 36 of 1947, administrated by the Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), aims to regulate the registration, importation, sale, use and other matters pertaining to, amongst others, stock remedies. Stock remedies are seen as chemical substances used in the control of undesired organisms in the farming and agricultural environments.
Health and Hygiene (Pty) Ltd has several products registered as stock remedies to be used specifically for application in the farming and agricultural environments.
International Registrations
Health and Hygiene (Pty) Ltd has an international network of Distributors, making it a global player in the antimicrobial, infection control and veterinary treatment markets, having product registrations in the following countries:
- APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority
- APVMA: Permit to allow minor use of a registered Agvet chemical. Product for disinfecting hard surfaces, equipment and air spaces in case of an outbreak of viral diseases.
China and Hong Kong
Czech Republic
- Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
- ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety)
- BAuA (Federal Institute for Occupational Safety & Health)
Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- HSE (Health and Safety Executive) approval during transitional arrangement
- VMD (Veterinary Medicines Directorate) approval under the Small Animal Exemption Scheme
- Registration confirmation by Veterinary Medicine Directorate UK, to market/sell/place on the market, products as listed under the exemption for small pet animals set out in Schedule 6 of the Veterinary Medicines Regulation 2013 (VMR)
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- MOCCAE (Ministry of Climate Change and Environment)
- Dubai Municipality (Montaji)
United States of America (USA)
- EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) — F10 Disinfectant Products
- FDA (Food and Drug Administration) — F10 Treatment Products